Having Younger Siblings (Now with Contest)

Posted by Gaurav On Friday, June 24, 2011 0 comments
As the baby child in a family of six, I’ve never really understood what it meant to have younger or baby siblings. It’s something I’ll never experience fully, but living in a host family with 3 younger kids is the closest I think I’ll ever get to it. Forgive me if this is a bit of a boring post, but the dynamics of having younger siblings is so unique and interesting to me that I had to spend some time talking about this.

I get to observe how the baby always gets his way (now I understand why I was resented by my sisters), all the sibling infighting, and daily ups and downs first hand. Sometimes the patience of Yannick and Melissa when dealing with Aristotle amazes me – they will endure random abuse, hair pulling, and spitting as if it is nothing. Aristotle cries about everything and I often get so annoyed by him, but the next moment he will do something so adorable that all is forgotten.

So much is always expected out of Yannick and Melissa as well, and they seem to handle being pulled away from what they’re doing to go help their mom so well. Melissa a bit less, but to be fair she is younger than Yannick at 12 by about 3 years, at 8. Their relationship is so entertaining to observe. Yannick is a little too cool for Melissa, and is always jokingly asserting himself as the clear superior, which often results in hilarity when Melissa outdoes him. It is so interesting to note how much he changes when 17 year old Alberique is at home, to be in his favour! 
Being young - caption contest in the comments... winner gets a small souvenir!

Melissa and Yannick chase each other around the house, always playfully – I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen them fight. Aristotle no doubt joins in, never wanting to miss out on the fun. Right now Yannick is using the classic “run circles around a central object” method to avoid Melissa’s chase. I was a student of that style myself about 8 years ago, on the other side of the world... some things are universal. It makes me feel so nostalgic! 

Melissa and Yannick will have their moments where they team up to tease Aristotle as much as they can without making him cry – their method of exacting revenge on him always getting his way. I’m not gonna lie, it looks pretty fun. But it’s all in good spirits and all is forgiven by the time dinner rolls around... only to start again the next day! 

I can write so much on this subject, but I guess the point of it is that I miss being a kid. However, I have many memories of my own that I cherish and being able to life it again vicariously through this host family is satisfying enough for me, at least for now. Please leave comments! What’s your favourite childhood memory?

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