Extreme Makeover: Benin Edition

Posted by Gaurav On Friday, May 20, 2011 1 comments
When you hit rock bottom, the only way to go is up. But I can’t help but think I’ve gotten a hold of a blimp or something, because now I’m soaring.

                What did it take to break me out of my funk? It seems it was just a contemplative ride back from Cotonou, and 850 francs (about $1.85). 

                On my way back from Cotonou on Wednesday, after a day of visiting embassies, Benin’s sole superstore, and a street-side restaurant with authentic Cote D’Ivoire cuisine, I sat silently in the back seat, watching as our common taxi drove past streets busy with motos, street vendors, and always, someone yelling. It's called a common taxi because the driver doesn't leave the station until they have packed 2 people in the passenger seat and 4 in the back. Jules paid for the 4th spot at the back so we could have some space. Him and Jennifer, the other volunteer who arrived Tuesday night, were fast asleep. 

                I was at peace. It had been a good day. And then it hit me – I’m in Benin. When you experience culture shock, climate shock, and most other types of shock, the magnitude of this statement may evade you. It had evaded me, until that moment. I was experiencing something few people have a chance to live, and my visit here might be my only time in Benin, ever. Then slowly, it all began to soak in, truly, for the first time. The sights, the sounds, the colours. The people. And I began to warm up to my stay here.

                On the way home I decided to pick up a small bamboo carpet for my room, because I had grown tired of the unwelcoming concrete. When I got home, my spirit carried over with me: I obtained a broom and swept my room. Then I laid out the carpet and rearranged the desk and chair. Finally, I removed my suitcase from my bed (under the sanctuary of the bug net), and unpacked my clothes, officially moving in. 

                It felt so good to make the room more homely. It was just a few minor changes, but it was a major paradigm shift. It made me look forward to coming home, a difference from the past week. I made do with what I had and honestly embraced it for le premiere fois. The extreme makeover was complete.

                I promised pictures with this post, and here they are. I forgot to take a picture of my room after the "renovation" but truthfully, the bamboo rug doesn't really change much visually, so I've included photos from my room that I took last week.

Just click on the photos to see them at their true resolution!
My room from the courtyard

The bed with blue bug net above :)

The shower
The Toilet

The picture shows the interior of the common taxi's hatchback, and how the road from Cotonou to Ouidah is littered with "motos", known in North America as scooters.

1 comments to Extreme Makeover: Benin Edition

  1. says:

    Anonymous jealous.

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