Welcome to No PreReqs

Posted by Gaurav On Thursday, April 15, 2010 1 comments
Hi everyone!

This is my first blog post, something I've been looking forward to for a long time. I've got tons of stories and ideas to share, so hopefully you'll stick around and drop a comment on any reads that you find interesting!

No PreReqs is - first and foremost - a blog for young students who are interested in becoming involved in community leadership. You will find posts with my thoughts on how to get involved in community initiative, who it benefits, how to lead and the essence of leadership, among other things. As for the other main focus of this blog, youth -
I also plan to talk about my experience in high school and share some thoughts about academics, scholarships, and social issues prevalent in my life during that time.

In case you were wondering, I chose to name the blog "No PreReqs" because I firmly believe that there is
no amount of previous knowledge, experience, or initiative required to become a leader. As a result, this blog is for anyone and everyone, and I will try my best as accessible as possible.

Although I love to write about leadership, this blog will also be somewhat open ended. You can expect to read anything from my thoughts on politics and government to societal trends I notice on a day to day basis. However, this is not a one way street... as much as this is a space for me to share my thoughts and ideas, it is a space for you to express yourself as well.

Hopefully, I can write and put together my first true entry sometime soon. I will post up the power point slides I used to make presentations on the importance of volunteering soon, and then the blogging from Benin will shortly follow thereafter.

Until then, hang tight!

1 comments to Welcome to No PreReqs

  1. says:

    Lindsey nice going dude! this is pretty sweet. excited to hear about your adventures in benin!


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